Bamboo By Genus A-Z
There are hundreds of species of bamboo from across the globe. We have outlined the species that we have grown or currently grow here on our farm in Northern California. If you don’t see a particular bamboo in this list, give us a call, as we may have it in propagation, or be able to source it for you!
Bambusa (19)
A genus of tropical and subtropical clumping bamboos from Asia, America and Africa that shoot all year 'round, especially summer and fall. Bambusas usually have round culms with numerous branches at each node, although one or two usually predominate. Most Bambusa species are rather large, and like all clumpers, they require a wide growing area to reach full size. The species grow best in full sun and are successful in almost any climate, including coastal environments and even desert areas, as long as winter temperatures are not too cold. What's a clumping bamboo? Find out here. -
Bashania (1)
A genus of two species of running bamboos from China which shoots in early spring. -
Borinda (4)
A recently created genus of clumpers and "open clumpers" from the mountainous regions of Asia, composed of several species that had been previously assigned to other genera, such as Fargesia, Yushania, Arundinaria, Thamnocalamus, and Himalayacalamus. Classification of these bamboos has been problematic. Shooting season is variable. -
Chimonobambusa (4)
A genus of medium sized bamboos from the Himalayas, China and Japan, which shoot fall and winter, and are difficult to propagate. Many branches per node. Thin culm sheaths fall away within a year. Those listed below are vigorous runners. -
Chimonocalamus (1)
A group of medium sized clumping bamboos from subtropical mountainous regions of Yunnan, China. Shoots periodically throughout the year, and shoots are edible. Wood is hard and is used for weaving and light construction. -
Chusquea (6)
This genus comes from Central and South America where there are about 90 species. Uniquely, the Chusqueas have solid culms and exhibit a whorl of multiple branches at each node, giving them a distinctive look. Leaves are usually small and narrow, and most are clumpers with gracefully arching or trailing culms and branches. While highly ornamental and mostly tolerant of acid soil, many have little heat tolerance and are difficult to establish. Coastal California and much of the San Francisco Bay Area have prime Chusquea climates. Most are newly introduced to the U.S. and hard to find. Shooting is in the spring for most species. -
Drepanostachyum (1)
A genus of beautiful, medium sized, clumping, Himalayan bamboos. Culms arch in upper part and many thin branches half encircle each node. Shoots in the spring. -
Fargesia (9)
A genus of very hardy, small to medium-sized, clumping mountain bamboos from the cool alpine conifer forests of West and southwest China. These plants generally have thin canes with small leaves. Not recommended for Southeastern states in the US where nighttime summer temperatures remain above 70 F. The Fargesias are generally shade plants, but may tolerate more sun in the S.F. Bay Area when getting ample daily water. These plants shoot in the spring and fall. -
Hibanobambusa (1)
A probable hybrid of Ph. nigra 'Henon' and Sasa veitchii f. tyugokensis from Mt. Hiba on Honshu, Japan. Both forms of the plant are aggressive runners with single branches and wide leaves up to 10" long and 1½" wide. The species grow about 15' tall, are cold hardy to -5 degrees, and and make good container plants and screens. Shoots in the spring. -
Himalayacalamus (5)
A genus from Nepal to the north-eastern most part of India at elevations of 2,250 to 2,750 m. Shoots in the spring. -
Indocalamus (3)
Otatea (1)
A genus of medium sized, weeping form tropical bamboos which shoot in mid-summer. Native to Mexico, Central America and Colombia. The name derives from the Nahuatl (Aztec) word "otatl," meaning "bamboo". -
Phyllostachys (29)
A genus of medium to giant runners with a distinct groove (sulcus) on the culm above paired branches. The heaviest shooting occurs in spring. All species have edible shoots. Nearly all can thrive with hot summers and cold winters. Most come from China. All grow best in full sun but can take some shade. The wide range of conditions under which this genus can be grown, plus its utility and beauty, have caused it to be the most commonly cultivated genus in the world. -
Pleioblastus (11)
A genus of small to medium size running bamboos with numerous branches at each node and culm sheaths which remain attached to the culm. The many dwarf species, often variegated, make good ground covers, hedges, and container specimens, which benefit from an annual winter clipping to keep them low, uniform, and attractive. In cold climates, they may be grown herbaciously by mulching heavily during the winter, and will survive an additional 10 to 20 degrees colder than listed and produce new top growth in the spring. Shoots in the spring. -
Pseudosasa (1)
This Asian genus consists of small to medium sized running bamboos with usually one and never more than three branches per node. Good as a hedge or ground cover. Shoots in the spring. -
Sasa (4)
Sasa is a genus of dwarf running bamboos most of which have wide, short leaves. Most are from Japan, and are useful in the garden for ground cover, contrasting textures, and as container plants. They usually get no taller than 6', have one branch at each node and look best grown in some shade. Shooting is in the spring. -
Sasaella (2)
A genus of running bamboos similar to Sasa except with straight culms and smaller leaves. They usually have one branch per node and they shoot in the spring. -
Semiarundinaria (6)
A genus of colorful medium size running bamboos from East Asia three branches per node and nearly cylindrical culms. It shares some characteristics of both Phyllostachys and Pleioblastus. Shoots in the summer. -
Shibataea (1)
Shibataea is a genus of small, non-aggressive running bamboos from China and Japan with 3 to 5 short branches per node and wide, short leaves. Prefers semi-shade and shoots in the spring. -
Sinobambusa (1)
Sinobambusa is a genus of tropical running Chinese bamboos similar to Semiarundinaria except the culm sheaths promptly fall off. Good container plant. Shoots in the spring. -
Yushania (2)
Yushania is a genus of medium sized, clumping mountain bamboos from Taiwan, the Himalayas, and Africa. They are particularly frost-tolerant and grow in spreading thickets. Shoots in the spring.