Formerly known as Sinarundinaria nitida.
A choice ornamental, it grows to 12 feet tall with slender arching branches, forming a fountain shape. Dark purplish culms are covered with a bluish-white powder when young, and leaves are delicate and attractive. F. nitida is is exceptionally cold resistant, withstanding -15 degrees, and is probably the most popular bamboo in northern Europe. Several related nitida varieties began flowering in Europe in 2002-2003. Flowering of the basic nitida occurred in N. California in 2003.
- Origin: China
- Minimum Temperature: -20 F.
- Size in climate of origin: 12’ tall, 0.50” diam
- Sun/Shade: Bright shade or filtered sun up to a half-day of morning sun (2-3)
- Recommended Uses: Wide screen or specimen plant in shade
- Shooting Season: Spring and Fall
- Recent Synonyms: Sinarundinaria nitida
- Ideal growing conditions: Prefers bright shade and cool temperatures with high humidity.
- Acceptable growing conditions: Can withstand morning sun if the air is cool and moist. Must be in full shade in very hot climates.
- Special Care: Does not do well in summer heat, especially where nights do not cool down below 70 F., such as in the southeastern S. Needs plenty of water, especially with more heat or sun.
- Size Locally in open ground: 8’ tall, 0.30” in diam
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