
Himalayacalamus planatus (formerly Himalayacalamus asper) “Princess Bamboo” – HCA



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SKU: HCA Category:


Formerly Neomicrocalamus microphyllus.

This Tibetan bamboo is a stately and highly decorative ornamental. In more sun, culms turn maroon to almost black with delicate purplish green leaves. In summer shade, the culms remain rich green with white node rings. Culms get darker, sometimes almost black, in winter. Grows to 20′ tall with 1½” in diameter in the climate of origin, 15’’ tall with ¾”” diameter here locally. Can tolerate temperatures down to only 15 degrees, and likes a half-day of sun. Shoots in the spring and fall.

  • Origin: Tibet
  • Minimum Temperature:  15 F.
  • Size in climate of origin: 20’ tall, 1.5” diam
  • Sun/Shade: Bright shade or filtered sun up to a half-day of afternoon sun (2-4)
  • Recommended Uses: Decorative upright specimen or screen
  • Shooting Season: Spring and fall
  • Recent Synonyms: Neomicrocalamus microphyllus, Himalayacalamus planatus


  • Ideal growing conditions: Half-day morning sun to a half-day of afternoon sun, plenty of water, good drainage, cool temperatures. In shade culms will be green. With 2/3-day direct sunlight, culms turn light red to maroon.  Native to understory of mountain forests.  Best results if watered lightly every 3 days during the first 6 months.
  • Acceptable growing conditions: May be grown in regions with higher summer heat, but only in full shade or filtered sun.  May be grown indoors in a half-day of sun in a space with some outdoor airflow coming through and following our recommendations for indoor care.
  • Special Care: If summer heat is high (90 F. and up), be especially careful to water adequately.


  • Size Locally in open ground: 15’ tall, 0.75” in diam

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