Also known as “Japanese Temple Bamboo.” Fastuosa means “tall and stately,” and it lives up to its name. The species makes an excellent dense screen 20 to 25′ tall with branches and leaves growing closely up the whole length of the culm. It has a straight, vertical growth habit suitable for visual screens in narrow places. Foliage is dark green. The culms are dark green, developing bronze, orange and burgundy tones when exposed to sunlight. It is a moderate runner, hardy to -10 degrees, in full to part sun.
- Origin: Southern Japan
- Minimum Temperature: -10 F.
- Size in climate of origin: 30’ tall, 1.5” in diam
- Sun/Shade: Full-day of sun down to a half-day of morning sun (3-5)
- Recommended Uses: Narrow, erect, dense decorative screen or hedge, isolated clump, edible shoots, useful poles
- Shooting Season: Summer
- Ideal growing conditions: Lots of direct sun, plenty of water and humidity, good drainage, colder winters and cool summer nights.
- Acceptable growing conditions: Hardy to salt air in ocean environments. Very cold hardy, and may reach 25-30’ tall even where winter temperatures reach down to –10. Not recommended for regions with very warm winters and hot summer nights, where it may grow only half its normal height.
- Size Locally in open ground: 25’ tall, 1.25” in diam
Size locally in contained spaces: In a 24” wide space with a long length, may reach 20’ in height.
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